Response to Madison County Board Decision

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On behalf of the City of Highland, we agree 100% with the County Board that we need to reopen our businesses and our economy in a safe and responsible manner. Even before this resolution we have been working with our local businesses on plans to reopen taking into account the safety of both the employees and patrons, and we will continue to do so. Our small businesses are vital to the Highland community and are our friends and family.

We have reviewed the Madison County Resolution passed on May 12, 2020 and agree with the steps and plans included in the resolution. We also agree with the County Board that this resolution does not relieve our businesses of licensing concerns from the State of Illinois or tort liability issues if they deviate from the current executive orders. Therefore we will continue to encourage our businesses to seek the advice of their lawyers and liability carriers as they make individual decisions on reopening.

The City of Highland is encouraged that the resolution has been submitted to the State for approval and we have reached out to our State Lawmakers asking for their support of the resolution. We are hopeful that this resolution will be given serious consideration by the Illinois Department of Public Health and the Governor’s Office knowing that we can and will operate in a safe and responsible manner.

 Gubernatorial Disaster Proclamation click the link below:

Centers for Disease Control:

State of Illinois Coronavirus response:

Illinois Department of Public Health:

City of Highland: