Park Rules & Regulations:
- Park hours 5:00a.m. - 10:00p.m. daily
- Alcohol is prohibited at all youth sporting events.
- All dogs are required to be leashed, and owners are responsible for picking up after their pets.
- Park dumpsters and receptacles are for the use of the park patrons only. NO personal waste or yard waste permitted. Violators will be prosecuted.
- Littering and polluting of any park and/or body of water manages by the city is prohibited.
- Anglers and walkers/joggers are permitted to be in the parks after the 10p.m. curfew.
- There is a potential for the periodic closing of trails for maintenance and special events hosted by the department. During this time your patience and cooperation are appreciated.
Parks Restrooms Close Annually the last Friday in October and reopen in April.