Mosquito Abatement Begins Next Week
The Street and Alley division will begin fogging for mosquitos the week of May 20, 2024. Fogging (adulticiding) is done over two consecutive nights from 6:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. on a bi-weekly basis to cover the entire city until nighttime temperatures go below 60 degrees. This method is most familiar to residents. Larviciding uses briquettes and granules in areas holding water to treat mosquitos in their larvae stage.
Chances of being bitten can be reduced by following a few simple rules:
- Apply insect repellent to exposed skin when you go outdoors. The most effective repellents contain DEET.
- Whenever possible, wear protective clothing such as long sleeves, long pants, and socks while outdoors.
- Consider staying indoors between dusk and dawn which is peak mosquito biting time.
- Avoid activities in area where mosquitos are plentiful.
- Fix or install window and door screens to keep mosquitos out of buildings.
- Mosquitos lay their eggs in standing water. To avoid helping mosquitos breed in your environment, drain standing water.
Avoid Breeding Mosquitos by routinely emptying water from:
- Flower pots
- Pet bowls
- Clogged rain gutters
- Swimming pool covers
- Discarded tires
- Buckets, barrels, and cans
- Any other items that collect water in which mosquitoes can lay eggs.