City of Highland Water Customers will be receiving in the mail an “Unknown Service Line Notice”. This is a required notice by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency for any customers of a public water supply when the material of the service line to their residence is “unknown” to the supplier
The City’s water mains are not made of lead. However, the service line from the main to your residence may be made of lead or steel. This is the purpose of this notice.
The City is required to conduct a complete inventory of all service lines in our service area by no later than April of 2027. We are asking residents to call 618-654-6823 in order to schedule an appointment with our water department to inspect your service line. City water department employees will need visual access to the service line where it enters your residence or business for inventory purposes.
Once the inventory is complete, the City will be required to submit a replacement plan, including potential funding for replacement, to the State of Illinois EPA. We are asking for our citizen’s cooperation in meeting this requirement.