October 23, 2020
The Senior Center, located at 187 Woodcrest, will welcome the public to stroll around their new facility on Oct. 29th from 10am to 2pm.
Elmer Emig, who has spearheaded the effort on behalf of the seniors in Highland, is very happy with the way the facility has come together.
“Our furniture is from Kloss and we’ve received donations from various organizations,” he said.
One such organization is the Rotary Club of Highland, IL. Sarah Sloan, shown in the photograph below, said, “Rotary is happy to support the community. Our donation from Rotary will help enrich the lives of the seniors who have helped make Highland what it is today.” The Elmer, Louise, and Dan Cook, current Rotary President, is also shown in the photo.
The Senior Center is made possible for the City of Highland Parks and Recreation Department. With over 800 acres of green space, the facility adds to the plethora of recreation opportunities offered in our community. Mark Rosen, director of parks and recreation, said “this facility compliments the many services the parks and recreation department already provides for our community that is focused primarily on our Senior Citizen population. The purpose for the facility is to simply provide a space that seniors can socialize in or participate in one of many activities the department will be scheduling.”
Lite refreshments will be served at the open house and seniors wanting to become members will have an opportunity to sign up. Future activities that will be held at the new senior center include dancing, playing cards, and other fun activities.
For more information contact Parks and Recreation at 651-1386.
The Senior Center is managed by Parks and Recreation.
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