General Cemetery Rules and Regulations
- Only human remains may be buried in the Highland City Cemetery.
- Burials are only permitted within designated blocks/lots/spaces.
- There may be only one traditional burial per grave space.
- There may be no more than two (2) cremation burials per grave space.
- There may be no more than two (2) cremation burials along with a traditional burial per grave space, provided the traditional burial occurs first, or a proper permit for disinterment of human cremains is presented for any cremains to be temporarily removed and then immediately reinterred after the traditional burial is complete.
- Once a traditional or cremated burial has been completed, any movement(s) requires a grave opening permit(s), a burial permit(s), and other fees, as applicable.
- Scattering of cremation remains is not allowed in the Highland City Cemetery.
- Visiting hours are from dawn to dusk.
- All vehicles must stay on designated roadways.
- Maximum speed is 15 mph.
- Maximum parking time is 30 minutes.
- Owners may decorate graves while observing the Rules and Regulations of the Cemetery. Use of any wood, wire, tin, or glass decorations or holders is not permitted.
- Cemetery staff shall not be allowed at any time to solicit orders on the cemetery grounds.
- There is to be only one monument/marker per grave space. A United States of America Veteran’s 12” x 24 “ marker may be placed at the foot of the grave, must be at grass level, and nothing else may be added to or placed around the Veteran marker.
- Adding permanent items to grave sites such as decorative rock, curbing, solar lights, fencing, trellis, living plants, statuary, etc., is not permitted. All such permanent items will be removed.
- Cemetery staff may remove bouquets, decorations, and their holders in excess of one per grave space except on Memorial Day, Christmas Day, Easter, Mother’s Day, Thanksgiving Day, Veterans’ Day and Father’s Day.
- Cemetery Staff will remove deteriorated flowers, unsightly or inappropriate objects, and items that are offensive, improper or injurious.
- All Pets must be on a leash and owners must show appropriate respect for the cemetery.
- Persons found damaging or defacing any property within the Cemetery will be reported to the Highland Police Department and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Persons disturbing the quiet and good order of the cemetery by noise or improper conduct or found violating any rules will be compelled to leave the grounds instantly.
- Discharging firearms or fireworks is strictly prohibited with the exception of properly conducted military honors.
Any questions regarding cemetery rules should be directed to City Hall (618-654-9891).