Ownership - City-owned trees are located in the right-of-way between the curb and the sidewalk, or if your street does not have a sidewalk, the right-of-way line is generally located 9 feet behind the back of the curb. Trees located within the alley right-of-way are also city-owned. The right-of-way line can typically be determined by measuring 10 feet from the center of the alley. Should you have any doubt, please call the Department of Public Works at 618-654-9891.
Maintnenance - The City is responsible for those trees located in the rights-of-way of Highland. This includes routine pruning and safety hazard removals.
We currently maintain street trees on a 4-year cycle. The City is divided up into 4 sectors with one sector per year being maintained. See the attached map below.
Any tree in need of attention, regardless of sector, will be evaluated and pruned/removed as necessary at any time. Contact the Department of Public Works at 618-654-9891 to request tree maintenance.