
State License RequiredNo person required to be licensed by the laws of the state shall take, catch or attempt to take or catch any species of fish, frogs or turtles from the lake without a state fishing license in full force and effect, issued to such person and in his possession. All persons shall strictly adhere to the Fish Code (515 ILCS 511-1 et seq.) and the amendments thereto.  Illinois State Link

Bobbers - All types of bobber fishing shall be conducted with unbreakable plastic or cork floats only.

Seines prohibited The use of any seines of any character, or any dip, fyke, gill, pound or basket net or of any trap for the taking or catching aquatic life is prohibited.

Suspension of fishing activities - The privilege of fishing in the lake, or from the buffer or park or any part thereof may be suspended by the city at any time, whenever such suspension shall be deemed proper to conserve aquatic life or to prevent any tendency to pollute the waters of the reservoir. The posting of any authorized sign in any part of the reservoir shall suspend the privilege of fishing at such location.

Protective activities - Nothing in this section shall apply to or be construed to prevent or penalize anything done or caused to be done by the city or any agents of the Illinois Department of Conservation in protecting or caring for the reservoir or the aquatic life therein.

Unsanitary conditions - All persons using the waters of the reservoir for fishing purposes shall use the waters so as not to create any unsanitary condition in or about the water or so as to pollute or make any part of the waters unwholesome or unfit for use.